Sunday, September 16, 2012

Peter Pan collar in polka dots

I went for fabric shopping recently and fall in love with this black and white dots voile, and bought a few yards for the home studio. Polka dots is rather vintage by itself sometimes, but on the other end it is a time-proof love. My tailor aunt dropped by the other day and upon seeing it, she immediately asking if there's still in the shop. By not wanted to waste it further with some daring attempts, moreover I've been knowing and quite familiar with making tops, hence, I mixed and matched the above two fabrics and now present to you this new baby right from sewing room. I'll put this my first few polka dots shirt in my craft store to share with my readers and lovely clients.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were just left our country after an official visit, they are truly an amazing couple. We all love them too. As for me, I'm not interested in the picture of topless Duchess and won't be reading them.

May them be blessed with good spirit and good health always.

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