Sunday, July 17, 2011

Of good values and morals

This happened on a congested road nearby big R's school.
The traffics were bumper to bumper and it was in a stand still position. I was stuck in the T-junction with big R in the car. After I've had waited for 2-3 minutes and the situation still not improving, I came down from car and direct the car which need to make a left-turn to move forward and to make sure it doesn't knock on mine. Then, the situation improved slightly at least 1 more direction is moving. And that car's driver left without saying or showing any sign of thankfulness.
Then my son says this: Mummy, then next time I also want to help others.
I say: No! Mummy is 'bad' enough, then only can help others.
In this part of the world, people are getting bad, very meaning, very selfish, what they have is only their - self. The kind-hearted act could easily turn into self-find-trouble if you don't know how to protect yourself and handle it.
It seems as we just lost all the good values and morals of living in a homogeneous community. Regardless of whether it was 30 years ago or in these ICT age, good values and to show respect to each others still remain vital in order to live in peace and harmony.

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