These two were the pictures I captured during our recent trip to Pulau Langkawi, my mom's hometown which we frequently visit to since little.
Those flag on the fishing boats are the political party's during the recent election, fisherman hang it on their boats.

I made and sewed a fully natural cotton pillow with strap handle for my children. This is a larger size pillow which suits the third and forth grader of mine as they've outgrown their existing ones. I make it with versatility and practicality both in mind - at home and bring along for outing. Handmade is sweet and very dearly.
and hopefully with the above pictures, it will hinder the recent fact that our house was being broke in last week through back door. Most of our gadgets has been stolen, among others including laptop, mobile phone, a Canon EOS with its lenses. It is heart broken when all these basic tools which you've spent more than ten years accumulating and gather lost overnight. It's people's hard work and effort to be who they are and what they have now. Hands is to work, not steal!
When you buy second hand item, please make sure you know their source. PLEASE DON'T BUY STOLEN GOODS! Otherwise,.....
you're just creating more CRIMES!!!
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