Sunday, April 27, 2008

Computer Savvy Kids as young as preschooler

Exposed to online education and did an intensive research into this subject. The teaching and learning nowadays are totally different from the way we were during school years. Now, it is all about e-teaching & e-learning.

With the multimedia approach of teaching, can you imagine how fast kids learn today? All the theory and explanation are well display of and deliver to our children for understanding. Teaching are never like before anymore. Teachers need to be able to handle those technological gadget and make use of these tools to conduct the lesson more effectively.

It is no wonder why my son dislikes his school (preschool) after expose to online e-education world whenever he is home. Even the school teacher describes him as 'computer crazy'. Whenever there's a new programme, he would sit in front of the PC for hours! He master the programme instantly before I could have time to do that.

They really learn fast! Another challenge for mother - pick up e-teaching & find appropriate praogramme for our chilren!

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