Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pause for tot

I read this article with interest "In Hard Times, Lured Into Trade School and Debt" and the link is here.

These are some of the interesting points:
"If these programs keep growing, you're going to wind up with more and more students who are graduating and can't find meaningful employment," said Rafael I. Pardo, a professor at Seattle University School of Law and an expert on educational finance. "They can't generate income needed to pay back their loans, and they're going to end up in financial distress."

For–profit trade schools have long drawn accusations that they overpromise and underdeliver, but the woeful economy has added to the industry's opportunities along with the risks to students, according to education experts. They say these schools have exploited the recession as a lucrative recruiting device while tapping a larger pool of federal student aid."

So, if you wish to read the full article, just click on the link I place above. It's good to broaden your view and perspective.

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