Saturday, October 24, 2009

Chicken pox disease and more sewing

Both my sons were down with chicken pox few weeks ago and the mader stayed up throughout the nights to give them medication and to sooth their itchiness... gosh! finally it was all over. For the past few weeks, their everyday food were my home cook, and I can't go anywhere besides cooking! Kind of like 'you eat what you cook'... sigh!

According to some old people, they can't take food which could cause itchiness for 4 months, that's a long way to go... But, I start to give them food like egg, some fishes like garoupa fish fillet, shark fillet, no chicken yet. So they switch between rice, porridge, glass noodles, rice noodles and instant noodles - this definitely make my life more easier : P

And i managed to squeeze some time out of the blue to make a few items out of the sewing machine, these are my sons' handkerchieves in Japanese print...

and a sun hat...
I'm a person fansy of hats, but seldom wear them. So, there will be more to come.

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