Monday, January 5, 2015

A beginning of a new year

Please excuse my absent here for some time, but in real life I was overwhelming with eight to six classes to attend on every weekend, a whole week of practical training in school and the classes I have to conduct and teach. oh, it was a really full and busy year ending prior to a new beginning of a new year. But what I can be sure of is these are the things that I love, would like to do, still doing and will keep doing.

I get to meet and make many new friends, ideas are shared, and pass on what we want the learners to learn in new ways. The kids were asking :"Cikgu, boleh kami ambil benda dalam kotak tu?" ("Teacher can we take the things in the box?") I said: "Of course, ambillah, tapi, lepas guna kena letak dalam kotak balik, boleh?" ("Of course, please take it, but you have to put it back into the box after use, can?") Oh my gosh, I love to see children play and learn on their own using my teaching material in a non classroom setting. It's a very good habit for the learners and at the same time very motivating for me. This is what I want to see! It's a beautiful sight.

We have an extended of a week of school holidays due to the massive flood in some other states. Thus, it provides an extra time for me to sew new bags and cases for the kids right for them to use when school starts. I have one done, and intend to make a few more. I hope all of us would have a good start towards this new year and everything is a smooth sail, healthy and happy 2015!