Monday, December 30, 2013

Blue Bean Blouse

This little piece is well cover the hip - introducing BBB; Blue bean blouse. Well, before I grow too old for a mini skirt, I need to wear it more often. This blouse will be an ideal matching, be it with a short skirt or a pair of tight pants.
There's a new mini skirt in the making for Blue bean blouse which the pattern is lost but found. 
Have a great week ahead.
Happy New Year 2014!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Adenium flowers and a pencil pouch


We have been to year end's floral fair held at Penang Botanical Garden, an event that is not-to-be missed by me, it's a beautiful place with blooming Adenium flowers. Coming back home one day, my son tells me that if it's not wrong there are almost twenty Adenium plants outside our home that he just counted. Oppsss... I just bought another three! I used my way to convince him that it's a normal thing for an addicted plant hobbyist to add collection to the species, and make sure we grow it well.  Now, they start to question me over unnecessary spending of money. Another favorite excuse is - "long long time bought once, it's okay one.." So, as long as you like the thing, just say you haven't buy it for a looooong time, then they'll give in to let you buy ;))

I'm making another Jess sunblouse which would be my new year blouse, but it has been weeks I can't finish one, then I carry on to make a desired zippered pencil pouch requested by the little ones - "a bigger in size one compared with the existing one and able to sit on the table type." I personalized the pencil pouch with their drawing and embroidered the picture onto it. It's my favorite do with pencils and pouches, and needles and threads...

Sunday, December 15, 2013

A visit to Penang Pesta

Over the weekend, we visited Penang Carnival (Pesta). This is my return to the site for not going in about twenty years. oh my. Kids and adults alike are having lots of fun playing in the fun park. Hubby says it's like time returning to the seventies eighties. Indeed.

Friday, December 6, 2013

With a better camera

Pictures above taken using new Canon EOS. Yes, the images are much much better compare with those taken by Canon Power Shot which I survive with when there's no budget for a better one. The first thing that I captured with the new camera is these cream cheese cupcake which I baked for kids' class party, it makes me hungry and wanted to try on it upon seeing the cupcake pictures, yum...yum...

Friday, November 22, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Its and bits of crafts

I managed to make a few more things lately, mostly are the 'fruits' from my sewing room. It's hard to imagine Sam sitting idle without doing a single thing, it's just I'm rather shy to tell everything over here : P I've been to a few English teaching workshops, brushing and keeping alive with up-to-date teaching skills, having new friends and etc...Yes, it's something I like to do mostly, and even harder to imagine if I'm not nurturing, guiding, reading and teachings kids.
We've also make our home downstairs free from sewing nook, moved my Toyota speed sewing machine to upstairs, and lovely to see and easy to work with every machine when they are in place. In the process of moving the machine, I discovered a long forgotten abandoned sewing project unearthed, really can't remember when I started it, but it's done now, yes! A kid's art and craft apron. I wanted to put it in Etsy initially, but my son come one day and says: "Mi, my apron is lost, can use the new one arr?" "Okay la..." I answered without hesitation. So, it's where the new apron go now, and he is happy.
Besides, I've a few new hair barrettes in vintage prints as my latest creations which I've listed it in Etsy. It's fun to make these its and bits of little handmade crafts, a good gift for love ones too. It's special because these are made in little. I keep a few for myself as well. Best and need to 'consume' those stashes of fabric piling up as high as hill before I can get some new ones in ;)

Be beautiful!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Another JESS de sunblouse

I'm wearing a new cotton blouse, yesss, it's Jess with jeans miniskirt. It has catches a few extra glimpses as I walked to pack some lunch and towards school. Everybody loves to see new attire, new pattern, cute buttons, and I feel refreshing to add some new clothes into my every day wear. Oh, new clothes, you're just so likeable!
On top of that, I've completed another Jess, using the very last remaining piece of vintage pink flowery Japanese cotton. There's a slight difference in this Jess, I assembled it with a pair of squarish sleeve that I've always dreamt of having one coupled with a bright green fine edging. At this moment, let me indulge in this new love. It's still mine, not intending to share just yet. When I have extra pieces of fabric and new inspirations, I surely would consider.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Introducing Jess

Look at this gorgeous - Jess de sunblouse.
I've not been into sewing until the past week and finally successfully get this piece of creative hand work assembled. The very truth is - I'm out of shirt!! I need something with pleasant, youthful looking (no choice, but the truth is me not that young afterall...) and sweet blouse for daily wear, which means can go market'ing, school and presentable to meet with anybody who drop by to say hello's blouse. It is a pleasure to see it almost done, and it also means I'll get to wearing it very soon. hah..... But, before I get too excited of this new baby, there are a few more Jess(es) I need to get done for the sisters of mine. Gosh, still plenty of works to do...wishing you have a lovely day too!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Air Supply is still in the air

For the past weeks, I was very busy meeting datelines for kids school's scrapbook projects. We submitted two, one is the duplication of another, same project title about 'caring' and the same person that do it,  my brain couldn't switch from one idea to another within the same period of time. I've tried my best, but always not-enough-time! But we won, at the fifth in one of the participations. phew...! ^_^ 

Also, my recent favorite tv series was just ended - Princess Meili, it has sad but touching storyline. I recommended it to a few friends which I've spoken to lately, if you appreciate Mandarin and those emperor dynasty, it may be a choice of entertainment. 

Besides, as the teacher of my children, this period of time in schooling is pretty stressful. Stressful in the way that hopefully they could remember what I've revised with them and not answering exam questions in an upside down manner, the younger little R of mine tend to make this type of mistakes. Then, come back from school asking me why I didn't teach him about that answer, *scratch-head* it puzzled me. I know it could be as stressful for them, that's why in our house, Air Supply is still in the air!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Melinda's Doll Dress in greyish pink

Edited to add: The handmade store in Etsy of mine seems being abandoned. I decided to put this Melinda's Doll Dress for my lovely clients there. But there's only one extra piece which I'm able to make out of this lovely sheer fabric. It's such an eye-candy. In terms of color choice, it shouldn't be wrong ; )

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Instead of Chi Hua Hua puppy...

Ever since the incident happened here, hubby is in the look out for a puppy. I think I'm still in phobia state over the incident and tend to wake up a few times in the middle of the night to check on the house, the entry point, every rooms and on every windows. It was a nightmare. Criminal is such a sin. Well, as I'm fully aware that I have to put it behind, and find a solution for it instead. As we're looking for a pet shop in a housing estate, we stumbled upon a wild boar wondering around in the vacant park nearby the housing area. We curiously stopped by to show the kids this wild buddy. This guy is considered lucky for the day as we're not a hunter, otherwise, he has been long landed itself in that pot of yummy kapitan curry gravy. Basically that's what we found, a wild boar instead of Chi Hua Hua puppy.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Shanghai trip

Come, let's go to Shanghai...


Yesss, you're just back from Shanghai!! These are some of the few pictures which I managed to take from my Canon Power Shot. It's summer there, which make no difference between the weather there and weather back in Penang. We did a lot of walking, walking and walking. There are bee swarms of people no matter where you go in the city of Shanghai, busy skyline and busy passers-by.

Monday, July 8, 2013

His drawing

I found little r's drawing on his table. It's cute and hilarious at the same time, love them all.
Wishing you have a great week ahead.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Kids weekend activity

It's weekend. I reintroduced one of their favorites play - play tent.
As soon as the play tent is being set-up, the kids realized that it needed a 'door'. Without wasting much time, I quickly gathered up all the fabrics needed for that particular 'door panel'. da...da...that little quilt cover is their 'door' now. One little funny thing was that they even waited patiently whilst the mom works her magic out to construct their 'door' in the middle of the night. The easy-to-satisfy kids are amazed and feel very delighted over the new addition to their hide away. The younger one even proclaimed this and saying "Luckily we have one very genius person in this house!" When I asked further who is the person, then he says: "You lah..." hmmm.....I've been doing all these; caring, tendering...them, why is this gesture caught so much of their attention...I'm puzzled...Whatever it is, as long as they are happy, I'm happy too.

Details further to the above, that hide away means has many of their loves - pillows, blankets, softy bears, books and etc, but also not forgetting their torch!

Have a great weekend, friends!