For the past weeks, I was very busy meeting datelines for kids school's scrapbook projects. We submitted two, one is the duplication of another, same project title about 'caring' and the same person that do it, my brain couldn't switch from one idea to another within the same period of time. I've tried my best, but always not-enough-time! But we won, at the fifth in one of the participations. phew...! ^_^
Also, my recent favorite tv series was just ended - Princess Meili, it has sad but touching storyline. I recommended it to a few friends which I've spoken to lately, if you appreciate Mandarin and those emperor dynasty, it may be a choice of entertainment.
Besides, as the teacher of my children, this period of time in schooling is pretty stressful. Stressful in the way that hopefully they could remember what I've revised with them and not answering exam questions in an upside down manner, the younger little R of mine tend to make this type of mistakes. Then, come back from school asking me why I didn't teach him about that answer, *scratch-head* it puzzled me. I know it could be as stressful for them, that's why in our house, Air Supply is still in the air!